research and

GIST draws on its networks of experts and researchers to deliver unique insights into complex, restrictive environments. GIST partners and associates bring decades of experience in primary research for relief, development and security programming in conflict and fragile states. Working with subject-matter experts, we implement advanced mixed-methods research cutting across social and economic sciences, networks mapping and political economy analysis applied to conflict and socio-economic issues, strategic and operational assessments for institutions, organisations and programmes looking to manage their risks and seize opportunities in time. We overlay open-source data from social media, satellite imagery and online databases to provide our clients with integrated, comprehensive, cross-discipline research and analysis solutions. We pride ourselves on translating this research and analysis into meaningful client collaboration, providing focused advice and recommendations that help shape policy and operations.

Local access and field research

We develop strong relationships with local civil society organisations, influential individuals, businesses, government, relief and development organisations, security professionals, key figures in religious movements, community and business leaders, as well as local service firms where we operate.

Open source and social media analysis

We utilise online sources, using linguistically and culturally appropriate analysts, to contextualise and supplement our field research and data analysis.

All-source data analysis

  • Our teams routinely blend methodologies to provide tailored solutions to clients:
  • Qualitative analysis of individual and group behaviours.
  • Statistical analysis to reveal patterns in perception and socio-economic survey data.
  • Social network analysis combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
  • Geo-spatial and remote sensing data analysis.
  • Bulk data analysis and AI/ML exploitation.

All our research is multi-layered, allowing us to triangulate data. Our clients are always informed as to the level of confidence we have in the information we provide.